Comic Sans Online
As we are all inside trying to keep busy, comedians across the country are looking for ways to continues their craft and bring laughter to their audiences.
COMIC SANS is a monthly showcase that focuses in on the diverse, eclectic, intersectional voices of LGBTQ++, BIPOC, and feminist performers. Each month, COMIC SANS creates an engaging performance featuring a curated lineup of comedians and performers in an uplifting, community-minded space that celebrates the diversity of our community.

Comic Sans seeks to celebrate our diversity and empower our performers and audiences alike. The show has attracted a range of professional comedians to its stage, including Elvira Kurt (Canadian Comedy Award winner, Second City, CBC, Just For Laughs), Andrew Johnston (Just For Laughs, Much Music’s Video on Trial, Bitch Salad), Al Val (Yuk Yuks, Durham Region Comedy Festival), and Greg Brown (ASAP Science, Sidenote podcast).
The show now aims to expand its catchment to include all marginalized folk, and to incorporate additional forms of performance art such as burlesque, improv, and sketch comedy.
And now they are going online! Catch them May 20th at 8pm EST on Twitch TV for an interactive, fun comedy show with comedians from all across Canada. BUY YOU TICKETS HERE!